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One of our premium services is providing customized Dynamics software development. According to the client’s needs, we provide individualized customization, reports, and any requirement necessary by using optimum software engineering methodologies.


The most advantageous aspect of Dynamique Tech development is that it was founded on the principles of the Pascal programming language, which is the “mother tongue” of Dynamics NAV and 365 Business Central. Originally, Pascal was developed from the ALGOL 60 language and released in 1970. NAV’s primary language C/AL was then developed specifically for NAV (Navision at the time) from Pascal by Danish software engineer and quantum physicist Michael Nielsen. Essentially, C/AL is a version of Pascal. 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central uses AL programming language, instead of C/AL, which is an evolution of C/AL. The syntax of AL is also based on Pascal. Essentially, AL is also a version of Pascal. Dynamics 365 Business Central primarily operates on AL with integrated .NET (dot net) technology. 


Our ability to work fluently in C/AL and AL is what makes our work notable. In software engineering, it is always best to get to the root of the problem using the original programming language instead of an external language. 

In addition to our expertise in Microsoft SQL Server (i.e. the NAV/365 database), we use UML (Unified Modeling Language) for information system study. This skill set makes the customization more efficient according to each business’s needs.

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